Saturday, January 20, 2007

Fridgetop Publishing

I've just taken an important step in my development as a writer. I have obtained a kit of magnetic poetry.

Over-reverence of poetry seems widespread among literary types (at least in my experience) and, back in the day, it caused me to have a pretty bad time writing it. As a result, I never attempted it again. I dabbled in everything else, but not that. The genius of magnetic poetry is that it takes all the seriousness out. You don't have to be afraid that you're going to write something terrible because you definitely will. And then you'll scoot a few words around and come up with something better/funnier/dead-on. Or not. If you place your magnetic word tiles on the bottom half of your refrigerator, you can always blame your less successful work on the nearest small child.

So, now that I have a pressure-free method of poetry writing, I may actually write poems. In fact, I just wrote one. In the spirit of fearlessness, I will share it with you now:

bitter those drool ing pound s
fiddle fast er & sweat

My inspiration was cheesecake guilt. I'm obviously quite talented.


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