Sunday, January 14, 2007

Fame and Family

I've been tagged by Richard to post five things you probably don't know about me. Which is super, as I've had almost no inclination to invent topics to write about recently. Probably because I've been so busy reading, working, and trying not to die. I'll have much to say soon. For now, here are my five things, with a slight theme-twist:

1. My great aunt Helen has a picture of herself with Bill Clinton. Although she appears to be elated, she'll tell you in her no-shit, 96-year-old style, that, in fact, she hates him. I admire nonagenarians with big opinions.

2. My grandmother, Rose Waters, starred in a 1950's TV cooking show. My mom inherited her culinary talent. I'm never in the kitchen long enough to be sure, but I strongly suspect that I did too.

3. My grandfather, Robert Waters, was the Washington correspondent for the Hartford Courant in the '60s and '70s. He used to have drinks at the Press Club with Ralph Nader. I love hearing those stories.

4. Grandpa is also a second cousin of Vanity Fair writer Dominick Dunne, whose brother is the late novelist John Gregory Dunne, who was married to the very famous Joan Didion. We don't hear from them.

5. My cool aunt Mary once won a ride in the Wienermobile. She made and carried an enormous sign that read 'My nephew is Jon Byrnes', because she knew it would embarrass the hell out of him. It did.

Now, I believe I'm supposed to keep this going by asking other bloggers to post the five things. Hmmm, I guess I'll go for Dr. K, Manisha, and Melanie.


Blogger TR said...

OK, this may be a weird way of reconnecting but here goes---

Is your mother named Sarah? When I was little we lived in CT. Bob and Rose Waters lived across the street. I used to play with Sarah. About 1972, my family visited them in Alexandria. The last time my mom heard from Rose was after they lost Todd.

Could you forward this to your mother? I'd lpve to get in touch. My name is Theresa Raphael (but then I was Theresa LaFrance)

9:11 AM  

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