Tuesday, January 16, 2007

...can't even...finish this...title...

Oooh, it's bad. Very bad. Since the start of this to-be-fabulous year, the list of things requiring my immediate attention has grown from a manageable Post-It to more of a scroll. When life gets hectic, my natural tendency is to dash about, flinging minutes at each little task, never sitting down to give solid hours to the big ones.

For example, I have...nope, I don't even have an example. I'm surrounded by bills and books and far too many calendars for one person to own. I don't know what they're all asking of me. I wish they'd go away so I could YouTube the night away.

I guess this is just the mid-January slump, which happens to everyone. I thought I would cleverly thwart it this time, by giving myself a two-week, resolution-free grace period before beginning any major project. But that idea, like all ideas born this time of year, is stupid. Slump happens, and now I'm two weeks behind.

So far, one good thing: I've finished book #2 on this year's list. (I'm at the respective end, middle, and beginning of 1, 3, and 4. I'm quite scattered in reading, as in life.) I actually do have commentary I'd like to share, but I'm tired and it's late and I'm in giving up mode tonight - so let me just tell you to read it, if you haven't. It makes a bold statement without ever seeming to have an agenda. That's a controversy in itself, and you should think about the reasons why. Go to it. Hell yeah, Zora.


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