Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wine, Then

"Relax! You have to relax."

Relax? What did she think this was, Sunday afternoon on the boat? It was the gynecologist's office and I was on the table. I didn't say what I was thinking: you want me to relax, you're gonna have to turn off that damn spotlight and get me a bottle of wine.

Instead, I tried to relax. It wasn't so much the physical discomfort that was bugging me, it was the problem she might find. I recently had a scary experience with a ruptured ovarian cyst, and it seemed like I probably had another one coming. Same symptoms, similar time frame. Because I'm one of those people who knows just enough to get herself in trouble, I'd spent the past week imagining the worst: tumor, surgery, loss of my entire reproductive system, and/or sudden death. And now I had to relax, so someone could find the awful truth and deliver it. Crikey.

"Well, it certainly doesn't seem like we've got anything out of the ordinary." No? I was skeptical. Um, then why am I in pain? And why does this KEEP HAPPENING?

"These things develop all the time. [Doctor speak, doctor speak.] You're just more sensitive to it than most people. If you have sharp pain along with fever or nausea, then go to the hospital. Otherwise, take these pills."

Ah, excellent. Another internal episode of ER had ended, and with no Shocking Moment at the end. This time she lives, roll the credits, I thought. Maybe there's a worse episode next season. I'll always be vaguely fearful of that. But for now, I guess I can really relax.


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