Monday, August 06, 2007

The Birthday/Comeback

At 10:06 this morning, my exact birthminute, I was wearing sweaty gym clothes and slouching in an armchair with my computer on my lap, struggling to write what was meant to be a very entertaining email reply to a friend. It took me an hour and consisted of four sentences. Picture that. It's fairly representative of my first twenty-six years, which have been all about struggling to do easy things that aren't, and failing (though valiantly) to look and smell better than God seems to have intended.

But let me not give you the impression that I'm not a blazing success, because I am. I've been told that nobody does angst like I do.

Nobody! Hell. Yeah.

Anyway, it's a happy-hopeful candy-colored sort of day, the birthday, so I'll keep it positive and make only one new year's resolution: to finish the things I start.

That is, you'll be hearing more from me.


Blogger Richard said...

Happy Birthday!

I look forward to seeing more blogging from you... good luck!

9:50 PM  

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