Monday, December 11, 2006

An Odometer Moment

One. One. One. One. One. One.

I was nearing my exit when I realized it was going to happen. Soon. I'd never clocked the distance between there and my apartment building, but I guessed that it was just about what I needed. I held my breath a little. How cool would that be - all those ones on December 11th, just as I pulled into my parking space? (I know, not as cool as it would have been on November 11th, but still.) I sped up - no, too much - and slowed down - no, too little - and sped up again, as if it were a matter of time and not distance. I turned onto my street, pulled up to the curb, and - flip - there it was. A literal turning point. My poor car won't make it to 222,222 (it might not even make it to 111,112), so this, I knew, was going to be it for us. Our one moment.


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