Monday, October 23, 2006

100 Things

Ok, onto the bandwagon!

1. People call my hair blond, despite that it is clearly brown.
2. People call my eyes brown, despite that they are clearly…not.
3. A lot of the time I just feel invisible.
4. My favorite place in the world is the Place des Vosges in Paris.
5. I am mad for triangles. Totally, freakishly, love them.
6. I don’t believe in bumper stickers. You shouldn’t piss off people who are operating heavy machinery. (And you shouldn’t distract them either.)
7. I think change is good.
8. I can’t be left alone with cheesecake.
9. I very rarely swear in real life.
10. I am afraid of the dark.
11. And roaches.
12. And AIDS.
13. And schizophrenia.
14. I also have an inexplicable fear of knee-high robots.
15. I hate the smell and taste of cinnamon.
16. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
17. My first memory is of cracking my head open on a concrete bench. It was my third birthday.
18. London was my first love.
19. All loves after that have also been cities.
20. Except one.
21. And I don’t want to talk about him.
22. I used to pretend my name was Liz Spencer – I thought it sounded fancy.
23. When I was eleven, I made up a country. It was an island nation called Liane.
24. I also made up a Liannese constitution, language, and royal family.
25. I once organized a Summer Olympics for the children in my neighborhood. I was 14.
26. Neither of my parents has a regional accent, but both can do British very believably.
27. It bothers me that most people don’t know the grammatical difference between "less" and "fewer".
28. I listen to NPR when I’m driving.
29. This American Life is my favorite program EVER and Ira Glass is AWESOME.
30. I have only ever lived in Maryland and Germany.
31. I have a long list of favorite writers. The top ones right now: David Sedaris, Mark Twain, Jhumpa Lahiri, and Sarah Vowell.
32. I own many Sex and the City DVDs and watch them all the time, even though I could hardly relate less.
33. Fresh linen is my favorite smell.
34. I insist on using toothpaste (not gel) with baking soda.
35. Beautiful sculpture makes me cry.
36. So do movies. Not just sad movies – all movies.
37. I love my laptop like a friend.
38. I really want to learn Mandarin, but so far haven’t made any effort to do so.
39. The central drama of my life involves making people think I’m prettier than I am.
40. Which is terrible and needs to change, obviously.
41. My biggest regret in life is having lost touch with so many great people.
42. I don’t believe people who say they have no regrets.
43. I love bright colors, but I wear a lot of black, brown, and purple.
44. I think most people look better with short hair.
45. I’m very liberal, but several of my good friends (and many members of my family) are not.
46. I’m alternately the least and most competitive person I know.
47. I’ve taken actual time out of my life to figure out what brand of dryer sheet smells best.
48. One of my lifelong dreams is to travel West in a covered wagon.
49. Another is to host a party on a rooftop.
50. I require 16 oz. of coffee to leave the house in the morning.
51. I didn’t want to like Harry Potter. But I do.
52. The University of Maryland is my alma mater.
53. I loved it, but often think I should have gone to Smith.
54. I majored in architecture, but I am not an architect.
55. I always get butterflies before I make a phone call, even just a call for pizza.
56. I believe in second, third…100th chances.
57. I was seriously bad at physics in school. After much tutoring, I finally grasped the basics of force. But nobody could teach me anything about electricity; I still believe the world is really lit by glow worms.
58. As children, we were labeled: I “the smart one”, my sister “the pretty one”. The truth is – she’s both.
59. I adore dashes and semicolons. I use them far too frequently, sometimes flat-out incorrectly.
60. I love to travel and am happiest when I’m walking the streets of some European city, drinking a lukewarm Cola Light.
61. Berries are the best kind of fruit, followed by peaches, then apples, then grapes.
62. I don’t care for citrus and can’t understand people who put a lemon in everything they drink.
63. Blue Moon is my favorite kind of beer, which IS citrus-y, and I do like it with lemon. Better, orange.
64. I contradict myself all the time.
65. I can’t dance and only try when I’ve been drinking.
66. Once I get going, I really enjoy it. (Dancing, drinking…this applies to most activities.)
67. I am a procrastinator.
68. Some people would call me a girly-girl (I have a thing for shoes, feelings, bread products, fragrant soaps, etc.).
69. But I do exhibit several stereotypically male qualities: I can’t multitask, I shop in a very goal-oriented fashion (and as quickly as possible), I think bodily functions are hilarious, and much of the time, I just wish people would stop talking.
70. I can ski, but not snowboard; skate, but not skateboard. I like the concept of two separate feet.
71. I am a mutt-mix of Irish, German, Scottish, British, and Native American.
72. The Irish totally won out – pale, pale, PALE, and serious freckles in lieu of a tan.
73. In person, you can tell when I’m trying to be funny because I'll put on a mild New York accent.
74. I think New York accents make people automatically funny – this is at least 7/10ths of the reason why Seinfeld was so great.
75. I claim to love to read, but I’ve never read most of the major classics.
76. Of the ones I have read, I haven’t liked a number of them.
77. This makes me feel tremendously guilty, like I’m not entitled to any literary opinions I may have.
78. And I do have them.
79. I am both an early riser and a night owl.
80. I love and depend on caffeinated everything.
81. I was raised Roman Catholic.
82. Then I broke all the rules, so I don’t know what I am now.
83. I believe in God, I just don’t think he’s a giant white dude up in the sky.
84. Maybe he’s Morgan Freeman. He probably should be.
85. I joke about things that scare me or make me nervous.
86. I love babies but don’t know if I’ll ever have any, because it’s so hard for me to imagine getting married.
87. I have to wash my hair every day, I don’t care what the experts say.
88. I am a cat person who also likes dogs.
89. But only small-to-medium sized ones, who don’t smell, drool, or shed excessively.
90. I think the best pet names are wildly inappropriate ones, like Tito Jackson for a teeny Siamese kitten.
91. I love Campbell’s Bean with Bacon soup and if they ever try to take it off the market, I’m going to hit the streets with pamphlets and petitions.
92. One of my current goals is to apply such grassroots activism to non-soup causes that actually matter.
93. I have been a babysitter, warehouse worker, desk receptionist, bookstore associate, architect, bartender, waitress, and now…my job defies classification, but it’s pretty enjoyable and I don’t have to get anyone anything.
94. I think money is very nearly as important as love.
95. My all-time favorite movie is The Sound of Music. I also revere: Forrest Gump, Pay It Forward, and The Shawshank Redemption. The best funny ones are Office Space and The Princess Bride.
96. I actually love almost all movies and am leaving out a bunch of great ones.
97. Car noises and street fighting put me to sleep.
98. It drives me crazy to be even five minutes late getting somewhere, although I'm at least that late half the time.
99. It’s 10pm and I have three hours of work left to do tonight.
100. And yet, somehow, I felt obliged to provide reading material for the 4-6 people who read this blog.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must be one of those 4 - 6.

T'was inspirational.

Liane $

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On googling, I found this bit of trivia for you...

"The Beatles got on well with Tony Sheridan and his group, The Jets. Paul and Iain Hines, the keyboard player with The Jets, used to double date two Hamburg barmaids-Paul's was called Liane, lain: "Every evening, when we'd finished working, Liane used to pick us up in her tiny Volkswagen and take us to her flat for coffee and a record session. Paul and I used to play Elvis and Everly records while Liane prepared a supper of Deutsch Beefsteak (hamburgers) and coffee." It was already 4am when she picked them up from the club."

11:41 PM  

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