Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Two weeks. Was I on vacation? Working overtime? Reading Michener? Protesting the war? Hiking through Tibet? No.

I was watching televison.

A while ago, I wrote about having become obsessed (re-obsessed, actually) with the first season of Felicity, the show that followed a group of nervous, drama-prone New York college students for four years. Since then, I've watched the other three seasons on DVD, which, at twenty-some episodes a season, required serious dedication. I finished the series two days ago - it was a five-tissue finale - and am now officially in mourning.

But it's time to come back to my life. I hope I can find it.


Blogger Shadow Man said...

Hey, I know how you feel. I started renting the new version of Battlestar Galactica. I don't have the Sci-fi channel so I had to rent them. I am in the middle of the second season and have to see all the episodes. I go through the mail so I get them in spurts. This way I get to live normally between mail delivery. By the way,I just finished watching all five seasons of the series Alias on DVD starring Jennifer Garner. It was one wild ride! There is now talk of a movie version of Alias. Wow!!!!

2:19 AM  

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